General Education Oversight Committee
Committee Charge
The General Education Oversight Committee (GEOC) oversees assessment of the undergraduate core curriculum (IDEAS in Action), examines results, and proposes curricular changes. The committee operates under the auspices of the Administrative Boards of the College of Arts and Sciences and is to be supported sufficiently to allow ongoing assessment and consideration of innovations in and amendment of the curriculum. The Office of Institutional Research and Assessment will gather and provide appropriate data as needed to support the committee’s work. In the third year following implementation, the Administrative Boards of the College will review the GEOC’s composition and charge. The committee is comprised of five members of the voting faculty elected by the faculty; one faculty member appointed by the dean of the College of Arts and Sciences; the chair of the Educational Policy Committee (EPC) or that committee chair’s designee from among the EPC membership, two undergraduate students appointed by UNC Student Government, and ex officio members from Undergraduate Education. Members may be elected to no more than two consecutive elected terms on the GEOC. New and continuing courses will be reviewed and approved for the curriculum by the GEOC with support from the Office of Undergraduate Curricula.
2024-2025 Members
For contact information, please go to the UNC-Chapel Hill Directory. Terms begin on July 1 and expire on June 30 of the year indicated below.
Last name | First name | Department | School | Seat | Term expires |
Chambless | Amy | Romance Studies | Arts and Sciences | Fine Arts or Humanities | 2025 |
Davis | Jemilia | Education | Education | At-Large | 2025 |
Leve | Lauren | Religious Studies | Arts and Sciences | College of Arts and Sciences Dean appointee | EO |
McNeely | Ian | Senior Associate Dean | Undergraduate Education | Undergraduate Education | EO |
Ott | Laura | Biology | Arts and Sciences | Educational Policy Committee representative | EO |
Petschauer | Meredith | Associate Dean | Undergraduate Curricula | Undergraduate Education | EO |
Sathy | Viji | Associate Dean | Evaluation and Assessment | Undergraduate Education | EO |
Siedentop | Nick | Curriculum Director | Undergraduate Curricula | Undergraduate Education | EO |
Thompson | Amanda | Anthropology | Arts and Sciences | Social Sciences | 2027 |
Wallace | Colin | Physics and Astronomy | Arts and Sciences | Natural Sciences and Mathematics | 2027 |
Weinberg-Wolf | Jennifer | Physics and Astronomy | Arts and Sciences | At-Large | 2026 |