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Anne Queen Faculty Commons Reservation and Facility Use Policy

The Anne Queen Faculty Commons (AQFC) has been designated as a lounge for all faculty, including retired faculty. The Office of Faculty Governance (OFG) manages the space.

A valid OneCard is required for entry. Students may access the room during business hours (8 a.m.-5 p.m.) only if they are invited and accompanied by a faculty member. Also, a OneCard is required to access the front door of the Campus Y building after 7:00 p.m. on weekdays and after 8:00 p.m. on weekends.


The AQFC is available for reserved use in accordance with the policies stated below. All reservations must be approved by OFG. Reservation requests are made using the online form at the bottom of this page and must be received one week in advance of the event. The room has 30 seats.

  • Daytime weekday reservations: The space can be reserved for faculty events held between 2:00 to 5:00 p.m.
  • Evening and weekend reservations: Weekdays between 5:00-11:00 p.m.; weekends between 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.
    The space can be requested for events hosted by any University-affiliated group.

Cancellations: If you need to cancel your reservation, please notify us by email as soon as possible.

Use of this room must conform to all OFG and UNC policies.

Facility Use Policy

Furniture Setup

The faculty lounge has a standard furniture setup that must be maintained. All furniture must remain in the room and be restored to its original arrangement if it is moved; additional furniture may not be brought in from other rooms in the Campus Y building.

Food, Drink and Alcohol

Faculty members and their guests are welcome to bring food and drinks into the faculty lounge. Catering is allowed for organized events, but no kitchen is available in the building. All food, beverages and catering items must be removed by the user when departing.

The campus-wide Guidelines for Serving Alcohol at University-Sponsored Events govern the use of alcohol in the AQFC. No alcohol is permitted in the space before 5:00 p.m. on weekdays. With advance permission of the appropriate vice chancellor, alcohol may be served at other times at invitation-only, private functions at which guests under age 21 are not expected. Please see the university alcohol policy for further information.

Special Equipment

Sound amplification and projection equipment are not available. No kitchen space is available. The event sponsor is responsible for arranging for any outside equipment or materials needed. Outside equipment does not include items or pieces of furniture from other rooms in the Campus Y building. Additional seating is available by request from Facilities Services and must be removed by the end of the reservation period. The Campus Y will not be responsible for storing furniture before or after events.

At the discretion of the OFG, an advance walk-through may be required if special requests are made. Users are expected to ensure that the room and its furnishings are not damaged as a result of such special features. It is the responsibility of the event sponsor to ensure that all outside equipment (e.g., screens), furniture, materials, etc., to be removed at the end of each event.

Fliers, Posters and Artwork

No objects are to be attached (with tape, push-pins or anything else) to any interior surfaces of the Anne Queen Faculty Commons. We suggest bringing your own easel(s) for your displays/advertising. No existing artwork is to be moved.


Users are entirely responsible for cleaning up after their events. All other items brought into the room must be removed; tables and other surfaces must be wiped down. Trash must be carried out to the dumpsters in the parking lot behind the Y. If the condition of the room is unsatisfactory after your use, you may forfeit subsequent use privileges or have your department billed for the cost of cleaning and/or restoration.

Doors must be shut and locked following all events.


The outside doors leading into the AQFC must remain closed at all times. The inside doors must remain closed during normal business hours, except during events. Access to the room is via OneCard. Only faculty (both active and retired) and staff OneCards will unlock the doors on weekdays from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

If your OneCard does not allow you to access the room as described, please contact the OFG at (919) 962-7748 or during normal business hours.


No parking is available at the Campus Y.

Reserve the Anne Queen Faculty Commons

We are accepting reservations through the fall 2024 semester. The following form should be used for all reservation requests, which must be submitted at least one week before the requested date. The room is not available for reserved use prior to 2:00 p.m. on weekdays.

Check the room’s availability on the calendar above before submitting the reservation form.

Please note that you will need to provide the names and PIDs of 2 members of your group who will be responsible for accessing the space during the event before your reservation can be confirmed. Also note that access can be revoked, if needed, and abuse of access for non-approved entry can result in revocation.    

We will respond within three business days after the form is received.