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The Office of Faculty Governance requires in accordance with § 2-4. of The Faculty Code of University Government (PDF) that all eligible retired faculty and librarians register to vote in the retired faculty division for Faculty Council representatives in order to participate. This division has two seats on the Council, so retired faculty do not vote every year. The next retired faculty election will be held May 1-10, 2024.

In order to register, you must be retired from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. If your faculty appointment at the time of retirement was at least .75 F.T.E. and you held the position for 3 years or longer, you are eligible to vote in the retired faculty division. Retired librarians, tenured and tenure-track faculty are automatically eligible to vote. To register, please fill out the form on this page.

To check whether you are currently registered to vote, please click here.

If you have questions about registering to vote, please contact us at