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The results of the 2011 faculty elections are in!  Congratulations to all those elected, and many thanks to everyone who volunteered to run for all offices and all of the voters who took time to cast ballots.

Voter turnout

Valid ballots were issued to 3539 voting-eligible members of the faculty.  1320 voters cast ballots, for a turnout rate of 37.3%, best since 1997.

In this first-ever election for the new retired faculty seats on the Faculty Council, valid ballots were issued to 402 eligible voters, with 138 casting ballots (turnout rate of 34.3%).

Full voter turnout results by voter division and some comparative data for prior years are provided below the election results.

Election results

The results of each race appear below with candidates listed in descending order by the number of votes received.

Winners were elected and will take office July 1, 2011 for a three-year term ending June 30, 2014. There is an expectation that you will attend all meetings of the body to which you have been elected unless prevented for good cause. There is no procedure for designating a substitute for less than one semester. There is also no procedure for voting by proxy or in absentia. If you plan to resign from the University, retire, or go on leave for one semester or longer, please inform the Office of Faculty Governance.

Alternates were not elected, but may be called upon to serve in the future should a temporary or permanent vacancy arise on the committee for which you were a candidate.  In those cases, the Secretary of the Faculty fills the vacancy by appointing the first alternate in the most recent election for that position.

Chair of the Faculty
Boxill, JanWINNER
Steponaitis, Vin
Chancellor’s Advisory Committee
Brewster, WendyWINNER
Broome, LissaWINNER
Smokowski, PaulWINNER
Renner, JoyALTERNATE 1
Smith, NatashaALTERNATE 2
Committee on Appointments, Promotion and Tenure (Arts and Sciences)
Panter, AbigailWINNER
Versenyi, AdamALTERNATE 1
Nelson, AlanALTERNATE 2
Committee on Appointments, Promotion and Tenure (School of Medicine)
Farber, RosannWINNER
Thorp, JohnWINNER
Brennwald, PatrickALTERNATE 1
Mill, MichaelALTERNATE 2
Committee on Appointments, Promotion and Tenure (Other Professional Schools)
Kjervik, DianeWINNER
Muller, EricALTERNATE 1
Rosamond, WayneALTERNATE 2
Educational Policy Committee
Coble, JenniferWINNER
Biddle, AndreaWINNER
Raphael-Grimm, TheresaWINNER
Benninger, LarryALTERNATE 1
Pittman, A. WayneALTERNATE 2
Faculty Assembly Delegation
Kramer, LloydWINNER
Houston, NormaALTERNATE 1
Leonard, StephenALTERNATE 2
Faculty Athletics Committee
Osborne, BarbaraWINNER
Foster, BeverlyWINNER
Stephens, JohnWINNER
Armitage, ChristopherALTERNATE 1
Gilland, WendellALTERNATE 2
Faculty Executive Committee
Parise, LeslieWINNER
Bachenheimer, StevenWINNER
McMillan, TimothyWINNER
Copenhaver, GregoryWINNER
Lastra, AnselmoALTERNATE 1
Swindler, LukeALTERNATE 2
Faculty Hearings Committee
Perreira, KristaWINNER
Stewart, KevinWINNER
Duronio, RobertALTERNATE 1
Warshauer, DavidALTERNATE 2
Honorary Degrees and Special Awards Committee
Estroff, SueWINNER
Orringer, EugeneWINNER
Harris, KathleenALTERNATE 1
Thornburg, RyanALTERNATE 2
Faculty Grievance Committee (Assistant Professors)
Beeber, AnnaWINNER
McLaughlin, ChristopherALTERNATE 1
Cuddeback, GaryALTERNATE 2
Faculty Grievance Committee (Associate Professors)
Wolfe, JessicaWINNER
Kutcher, MarkALTERNATE 1
Jarstfer, MichaelALTERNATE 2
Faculty Grievance Committee (Professors)
Belger, AysenilWINNER
Egan, ThomasALTERNATE 1
Phillips, CeibALTERNATE 2
Financial Exigency and Program on Change Committee (Academic Affairs)
Moran, BarbaraWINNER
Akin, JohnWINNER
Engel, JonathanALTERNATE 1
Searing, DonaldALTERNATE 2
Financial Exigency and Program on Change Committee (Health Affairs)
Otey, CarolWINNER
Halpern, CarolynWINNER
Swanstrom, RonaldALTERNATE 1
Baldwin, AlbertALTERNATE 2
Faculty Council: Arts & Sciences, Fine Arts, Non-tenured
Janet ChambersWINNER
Cary LevineALTERNATE 1
Faculty Council: Arts & Sciences, Fine Arts, Tenured
Beth GrabowskiWINNER
Brent WissickALTERNATE 1
Faculty Council: Arts and Sciences, Natural Sciences and Mathematics, Non-tenured
Kelly GiovanelloWINNER
Jason MihalikALTERNATE 1
Charlie WissALTERNATE 2
Faculty Council: Arts and Sciences, Natural Sciences and Mathematics, Tenured
Arthur ChampagneWINNER
Christopher JonesWINNER
Jonathan EngelWINNER
Edgar ShieldsALTERNATE 1
Joseph CimaALTERNATE 2
Faculty Council: University Libraries, At-large
Libby ChenaultWINNER
Zahra KamereiALTERNATE 1
Faculty Council: School of Information and Library Science, At-large
Barbara WildemuthALTERNATE 1
Faculty Council: School of Journalism and Mass Communication, Non-tenured
Winston CavinWINNER
Paul O’ConnorALTERNATE 1
Faculty Council: School of Medicine, Tenured
Cynthia BulikWINNER
Anna SpagnoliWINNER
Culley CarsonALTERNATE 1
Larry BarnhillALTERNATE 2
Robert HamerALTERNATE 3
Faculty Council: School of Medicine, Non-tenured
Sandra KimWINNER
Thomas MillerWINNER
James HillWINNER
Trevor HackmanALTERNATE 1
Faculty Council: School of Nursing, Non-tenured
Eric HodgesWINNER
Coretta JeneretteALTERNATE 1
John CarlsonALTERNATE 2
Faculty Council: School of Pharmacy, Tenured
Faculty Council: School of Public Health, Non-tenured
Kristen ReiterWINNER
Rebecca FryALTERNATE 1
Faculty Council: Retired Faculty Seat
Jonathan HowesWINNER
Donald BoultonWINNER
John J.B. AndersonALTERNATE 1
Elliot CramerALTERNATE 2
Administrative Board of the Library, Humanities
Laurie LangbauerWINNER
Robert AllenALTERNATE 1
Administrative Board of the Library, Natural Sciences and Mathematics
Sue GoodmanWINNER
Max BerkowitzALTERNATE 1
Administrative Board of the Library, Social Sciences
Fitz BrundageWINNER
Layna MosleyALTERNATE 1

Voter turnout and turnout by division

Turnout RateNumber Who VotedEligible to VoteVoting DivisionSchool
58.0%47811Arts & Sciences Fine Arts
48.1%1272642Arts & Sciences Humanities
47.7%1763693Arts & Sciences Natural Sciences & Mathematics
47.3%1302754Arts & Sciences Social Sciences
58.6%17296School of Information and Library Science
19.6%221127School of Business
37.0%20548School of Education
54.0%27509School of Journalism and Mass Communications
50.0%265210Law School
34.2%277911School of Social Work
70.6%365112School of Government
26.7%386144513School of Medicine
30.2%3210614Dental School
57.0%6511415School of Nursing
28.3%269216School of Pharmacy
39.6%8922517School of Public Health
37.3%13203539Total Voting Faculty
34.3%138402Total Retired Faculty

Historical voter turnout

Year# Eligible# Voted% Turnout