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2024 Faculty Election

Danielle Zurcher

Running for: Educational Policy Committee
  • Teaching Associate Professor
  • Chemistry
  • Appointed: 2017
  • Ph.D., University of Michigan, 2015
UNC Service

I serve as an undergraduate advisor in the chemistry department. I’ve been a member of the department’s Undergraduate Studies, laboratory redesign, and teaching assistant oversight committees, involved with various levels of curriculum development and oversight. I serve on the department’s graduate mental health committee (SWELL). I have served as a mentor for both Carolina Scholars, and Carolina Covenant Scholars. Lastly, I am an advisor to multiple student groups, a member of the Undergraduate Admissions Advisory Committee, and was previously a member of a University Teaching Awards Committee.

Candidate Statement

I am running because I want to help shape the future of educational policy at the university. I am particularly interested in this committee as an instructor who typically teaches large introductory classes (>200 students), where having clear policy is integral to student success. I also have experience teaching small classes, laboratory courses, and developed and taught a first-year seminar. I bring expertise on how educational policy can affect each of these classroom settings. In addition, I have experience through departmental advising with the undergraduate curriculum and have been involved in discussions surrounding mental health at various levels in the university. Since 2017, I’ve become familiar with many aspects of university policies, which has provided me the necessary knowledge to serve the university on this committee.