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2020 Faculty Election

Tim Wiltshire

Running for: Division 16: School of Pharmacy, Tenured
  • Associate Professor
  • Pharmacotherapy and Experimental Therapeutics
  • Appointed: 2007
  • PhD, University of Tennessee, 1996
  • Candidate Website
UNC Service

I joined the faculty at UNC in 2007, having been recruited to the Center for Pharmacogenetics and individualized Therapy in the Division of Pharmacotherapy and Experimental Therapeutics (DPET) in the School of Pharmacy. Prior to that I worked as a Senior Research Scientist in a drug discovery role for a Division of Novartis Pharmaceuticals in San Diego. In the 12 years I have been here, I was Director of the Center for 5 years, and have taken an active role in educational activities in graduate studies and the professional program in Pharmacy. I have been the Director of Graduate Studies in my Division for 5 years.

Candidate Statement

Service to this University is an important commitment for faculty members, and while I am not looking to make major changes to how UNC operates I believe I will contribute an honest and straightforward voice to the faculty council. I bring a distinctive and different background experience. A US citizen - yes, but my background is from New Zealand where I qualified and taught high school students biology, chemistry and outdoor education studies for 12 years before coming to the US to get a PhD, doing post-doctoral studies and then working in industry for a pharmaceutical company. Back to academia, now at UNC, I add a diversified perspective which I hope can be instrumental in continuing the excellence of this University.

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