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2023 Faculty Election

Peggy Wilmoth

Running for: Appointments, Promotions and Tenure Committee, Professional Schools (Other Than Medicine)
  • Professor
  • School of Nursing
  • Appointed: 2017
  • PhD, University of Pennsylvania
UNC Service

I joined the University in 2017 as the inaugural Executive Vice Dean and Associate Dean, Academic Affairs for the School of Nursing. I served in this role for 5 1/2 years, until Fall of 2022. During that period of time I served on the Advisory Board, Center for Faculty Excellence and as Chair for 2021-2022. I currently serve on the Advisory Committee on Undergraduate Admissions. I currently serve on the School's APT committee.

Candidate Statement

I believe that being an active participant in shared governance is a responsibility for all faculty members; it is a component of being a 'citizen' within the institution. I am also a proponent of putting my beliefs into action, thus when I was asked to consider running for this position, I felt it was an obligation as part of my faculty role. I have been on faculty at 4 other institutions and served as dean of an interprofessional college at a 5th institution. I have also chaired school and college level APT committees at one of these institutions. I believe that my broad and varied experiences at these other institutions will help to inform my participation on the University's Appointments, Promotions and Tenure Committee. I am informed by policy and use policy in guiding my decisions while ensuring inclusivity.