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2023 Faculty Election

Kathryn Sorensen

Running for: Division 13. School of Medicine: Faculty Council, Nontenured
  • Assistant Professor and Clinical Education Coordinator
  • Health Sciences, School of Medicine
  • Appointed: 2017
  • OTD, University of Southern California
  • Candidate Website
UNC Service

Service goes beyond just being part of my job and is an important part of who I am. Since returning to Carolina in a faculty role in 2017, I have kept my eyes and hands open to serve whenever and wherever I can, especially as it relates to serving students, staff, faculty, and visitors with disabilities. I have been part of the ARS accommodations and modifications committee, served as an ADA consultant to the athletic department and greater university, have been a member of the Disability Advisory Committee, have guest lectured in many classes and schools across campus, and made the Old Well accessible...but there is so much more to do.

Candidate Statement

I graduated from Carolina in 2004 as a proud varsity athlete on the women’s rowing team. This was an incredible experience for many reasons, but primarily because it was here at Carolina that I learned that my disability would not stop me from reaching my dreams. When I returned to campus 13 years later, this time as a wheelchair user, I was shocked to experience so many physical and social barriers. It ignited a passion in me to ensure everyone experiences Carolina the way I did as an undergrad. Since returning, I have worked to make campus more inclusive by advocating for accessibility at the Old Well, the athletic department, dining halls, and ARS. I am excited about the chance to run for faculty council and hope to use my unique perspective to make Carolina a more inclusive and accessible community for everyone.