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2023 Faculty Election

Lindsey Smith Taillie

Running for: Division 17: School of Public Health, Tenured
  • Associate Professor, Associate Chair for Academics
  • Nutrition, Gillings School of Global Public Health
  • Appointed: 2014
  • PhD, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
  • Candidate Website
UNC Service

I am currently the Associate Chair for Academics in Nutrition and a member of the Gillings academic programs committee. I have previously served in roles as co-director of the Nutrition PhD program, member of the doctoral committee and curriculum committee, and several search committees. I have been involved in a number of DEI initiatives, such as creating and leading the FERN program (Fellowship for Engagement in Research in Nutrition), a summer research internship program to enhance the diversity of nutrition scholars through undergrad exposure to nutrition science and policy. Finally, I also serve on the training committee of the Carolina Population Center.

Candidate Statement

I want to serve on Faculty Council because I care deeply about ensuring that Gillings can continue its mission to improve public health for all, even during times of uncertainty. I am well-equipped to serve because I am up-to-date on issues facing Gillings through my role as associate chair for academics in nutrition and as part of Gilling’s academic programs committee. I have been involved in many initiatives, including creating a Triple-I course as part of the new undergrad IDEAS in Action curriculum, developing one of the first online MPH nutrition classes, and helping to redesign our PhD curriculum, giving me perspective on how policy changes affect students, staff, and faculty. Finally, I collaborate with faculty from across UNC, giving me a strong understanding of cross-campus issues that will enable me to serve as a good liaison.