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2021 Faculty Election

Viji Sathy | vidg-ee | she/her/hers

Running for: Faculty Executive Committee
  • Professor of the Practice
  • Psychology and Neuroscience, College of Arts and Sciences
  • Appointed: 2008
  • Ph.D., University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 2003
  • Candidate Website
UNC Service

I am honored to be nominated to serve on the Faculty Executive Committee. I have served in a variety of positions that have enabled me to work alongside colleagues to enrich our campus’ goals:
Faculty Fellow for Inclusive Teaching, Administrative Board of the Library, Chair of the University Teaching Awards, General Education Curriculum Revision Coordinating Committee, Building Our Community Together Strategic Objective Lead, Advisory Boards for Chancellor’s Science Scholars and Center for Integration of Research Teaching and Learning, the Quality Enhancement Plan, and Special Projects Assistant in the Office of Undergraduate Education.

Candidate Statement

I am deeply driven by Carolina’s mission and am committed to efforts to promote belonging and inclusivity and the appreciation of multiple perspectives on this campus. In every room I walk into, I ask: who is not there and why? In every room I am a part of, I ask: who is not speaking and why? I bring the lens of an expert in inclusive education, a professor committed to student success and equity, a fixed-term faculty member, a woman in STEM, an Asian-American, a first-generation college student, and a North Carolinian. In my 20+ years at Carolina as an undergraduate, graduate, and now faculty member, I have come to know the University well. I recognize that a strong faculty governance with effective advocates is vital. I would like to be able to bring my experience and expertise to the benefit of the Faculty Executive Committee.