2021 Faculty Election

Viji Sathy | vidg-ee | she/her/hers
Running for: Administrative Board of the Library: Natural Sciences and Mathematics
- Professor of the Practice
- Psychology and Neuroscience, College of Arts and Sciences
- Appointed: 2008
- Ph.D., University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 2003
- Candidate Website
UNC Service
I have had the pleasure of serving on the Administrative Board of the Library and am now seeking a second term. I have served in a variety of positions that have enabled me to work alongside colleagues to enrich our campus’ goals:
Faculty Fellow for Inclusive Teaching, Chair of the University Teaching Awards, General Education Curriculum Revision Coordinating Committee, Building Our Community Together Strategic Objective Lead, Advisory Boards for Chancellor’s Science Scholars and Center for Integration of Research Teaching and Learning, the Quality Enhancement Plan, and Special Projects Assistant in the Office of Undergraduate Education.
Candidate Statement
In the past 3 years serving on the Administrative Board of the Library, my understanding of the essential role that the Libraries play on our campus community has deepened immensely. In addition to teaching course-based research experience (CUREs) courses, I am engaged in the scholarship of teaching & learning, and have been involved in a number of initiatives to support student success. In all of these roles, I have found the Libraries to be a vital resource for students and faculty engaged in research. As we incorporate curricular changes such as CUREs, create more open-access resources, train in cutting-edge digital tools, the guidance that the Libraries can offer our community is crucial. It has been an honor to be an advocate for the Libraries and I am deeply committed to this valuable campus resource.