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2022 Faculty Election

Sheila Santacroce

Running for: Division 15: School of Nursing: Faculty Council, Tenured
  • Carol A. Beerstecher-Blackwell Distinguished Professor
  • School of Nursing
  • Appointed: 2009
  • PhD, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 1997
UNC Service

School of Nursing (SON) PhD Executive Committee member 2009-present; SON PhD Admissions Committee 2009-2021 (chair 2018-2021); SON PhD Program Self-Study Working Group 2011, 2021; SON Research Support Center Advisory Board 2016-2020; SON Bio-behavioral Laboratory Advisory Board Member 2014-2019. Currently serve on the Faculty Council.

Candidate Statement

I am running for Faculty Council to represent the School of Nursing and the discipline of nursing, and to bring information from Faculty Council meetings back to my School for sharing and actions as indicated. My qualifications include 20+ years in academic nursing, including 12 years as tenured faculty at Carolina.

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