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2023 Faculty Election

Janet Nye

Running for: Administrative Board of the Library: Natural Sciences and Mathematics
  • Associate Professor
  • Earth, Marine and Environmental Sciences, College of Arts and Sciences
  • Appointed: 2020
  • PhD University of Maryland
  • Candidate Website
UNC Service

I have served on several departmental committees since arriving in July 2020. I served on the DEI committee in 2021-2022 and on the EMES Graduate Program Committee 2022-2023 in which we proposed a new graduate degree for our newly formed department.

Candidate Statement

The library is a critical resource for students and faculty to support their scholarly work. The landscape of scientific journals is rapidly changing and Universities constantly need to evaluate their needs and adjust to these changes. I would like to bring my experience to this process, working at multiple Universities and having served as an editor for two scientific journals, Scientific Reports and now Fisheries Oceanography. I would also bring to this committee a strong interest in the intersection between open data, open access and diversity, equity and inclusion efforts.