2023 Faculty Election
Eric Muller
Running for: Honorary Degrees and Special Awards Committee
- Dan K Moore Distinguished Professor in Jurisprudence and Ethics
- School of Law
- Appointed: 1998
- JD, Yale Law School
- Candidate Website
UNC Service
Assoc Dean for Faculty Dvpt, 08-12; Faculty Exec. Comm., 17- ; Campus Safety Comm., 19-21; Advisory Bd, Car. Seminars, 17-22; Advisory Bd, Car. Ctr for Public Service, 13-16 (Chair, 15-16); Ctr for Faculty Excellence, Director, 12-16; APT Comm., 12-16 (Chair, 16-17); Chancellor’s Advisory Comm., 16-17 (ex officio); Provost’s Comm. on Faculty Research Leaves, 14-17; Task Force on Transforming Instruction in Large Lecture Courses, 13-14; Instructional Tech. Coordinating Comm., 12-15; Provost’s Comm. on Inclusive Excellence & Diversity, 13-15; Ackland Art Museum Academic Advisory Comm., 12-14; UNC Press Bd of Governors, 08-21 (Chair, 15-21)
Candidate Statement
Through the work of this committee, the faculty celebrates those whose work and lives best reflect the university's values, contributions, diversity, and excellence. At a time when some outside the university are calling those things into question, the committee's work has special importance. I'm committed to searching deeply and fairly for award recipients who showcase our highest values, aspirations, and achievements.