2021 Faculty Election

Suchi Mohanty
Running for: Division 5. University Libraries: Faculty Council
- Librarian
- House Undergraduate Library, University Libraries
- Appointed: 2002
- MLS, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 2002
UNC Service
Association for Women Faculty and Professionals, 2018-present
Faculty Welfare Committee (appointed), 2017-present
Faculty Grievance Committee (elected), 2017-present
Faculty Executive Committee (elected), 2013-2015
Candidate Statement
I believe strongly in the University’s mission to educate the next generation of leaders and to stand at the forefront of innovation, learning, and research. As the Head of the R. B. House Undergraduate Library, I work with units such as the Office of Undergraduate Research, the Center for Student Success and Academic Counseling, and others to support undergraduate education and student success. As a librarian, evaluating information fairly and in an unbiased manner is the core of my professional practice. I bring this same philosophy and experience to my work evaluating faculty claims as a member of the Faculty Grievance Committee, considering ways to improve the faculty (and staff) experience as a member of the Faculty Welfare Committee, and would be eager to extend this work in the wider Faculty Council.