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2024 Faculty Election

Marie Mitchell

Running for: Appointments, Promotions and Tenure Committee, Professional Schools (Other Than Medicine)
  • Professor of Organizational Behavior and Edward M. O’Herron Scholar
  • Kenan-Flagler Business School, Organizational Behavior Area
  • Appointed: 2022
  • Ph.D., University of Central Florida, 2006
  • Candidate Website
UNC Service

I serve on various committees for the Business School (e.g., Faculty Workload Policy, Faculty Advisory Board, Post-Tenure Review, and Academic Ineligibility), and within my department (e.g., incoming Ph.D. Coordinator, Doctoral Comprehensive Exam and Selection Committees, hiring committees, DEI Task Force). Lastly, I enthusiastically mentor students and underrepresented individuals, such as my efforts with the Business School and The Tenure Project (an organization that promotes tenure for underrepresented faculty) and the Carolina Women in Business Association. With my prior employer, I also served on the University-wide APT committee.

Candidate Statement

I am running for the APT committee to represent faculty in professional schools other than Medicine and serve the critical function of oversight for a comprehensive and fair review of appointments, promotions, and tenure within UNC. My research and prior work experience have focused on ensuring individuals are treated equitably, without bias, and in full consideration of their contributions, also taking into account differing realities (e.g., pandemic). If provided the opportunity to serve, my research and work expertise on justice, inclusion, and performance management may be useful for committee discussions. I look am excited by the possibility to work with APT committee members to provide thorough, collaborative, and open conversations to ensure the evaluations are comprehensive, fair, and equitable. It would be an honor to serve.