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2023 Faculty Election

Roger Mills-Koonce

Running for: Faculty Executive Committee
  • Associate Professor
  • School of Education
  • Appointed: 2018
  • PhD
UNC Service

I have had the privilege of serving UNC Chapel Hill in numerous ways, including a role as an elected delegate to the UNC Chapel Hill Employee Forum from 2008 to 2010 and as a founder and director of the OBSERVES Data Core at the Center for Developmental Science. I have also served in multiple elected positions within the School of Education, including the School’s Faculty Executive Committee and the Appointment, Promotion and Tenure Committee, as well as being the Director for the Applied Developmental Science and Special Education Doctoral Program. I have been honored to serve the institution and the faculty, staff, and students.

Candidate Statement

I have the unique experience of being part of the UNC Chapel Hill community in almost every possible way – as an undergraduate student and as a graduate student, as a staff member, as a research scientist, and currently as a tenured faculty member. I respect both the strong traditions and commitments to academic excellence and I recognize the need for the institution to grow, evolve and adapt in order to better serve our academic mission (including education, research, and community engagement) and to better serve all of its constituents (including students, faculty, staff, and communities). These are challenging times for higher education and, if elected, I look forward to advising leadership on how best to support the academic integrity of the university and to empower faculty voices at all levels of governance.