2023 Faculty Election
Ann Matthysse
Running for: Faculty Grievance Committee, Full Professor/Librarian
- Professor
- Biology, College of Arts and Sciences
- Appointed: 1975
- Ph.D., Harvard University
UNC Service
Current service: Burch Advisory Board and of the Burch Fellowship Selection Committee, Biology undergraduate studies committee
Past service: faculty council, committee on the status of women, APT (appointments, promotions and tenure, university), biohazard committee (chaired the committee for a few years in the late 1980s), WOWS (women working on women in the sciences), director of undergraduate studies for Biology.
Candidate Statement
I have been at UNC a long time. I am concerned that the faculty is treated fairly and thoughtfully. I feel that all decisions by the grievance committee need to be made slowly and deliberately with fairness and reasonableness. The best interests of the faculty concerned and the university should be kept in mind, but fairness to all is of primary importance.