2023 Faculty Election
Robert Martinez
Running for: Faculty Athletics Committee
- Assistant Professor
- School of Education
- Appointed: 2021
- PhD, North Carolina State University
UNC Service
I currently serve as a faculty liaison for the faculty athletic committee. I began my service right around the beginning of the pandemic. In my second year, I was voted on to be co-chair of the committee. My current role as liaison is to support football and to bring attention to the needs of student-athletes across all sports.
Candidate Statement
As an ex-collegiate athlete, I understand on a personal level the academic, social/emotional, and interpersonal demands that impact student-athletes. Academic related factors include, ownership of learning, learning ways to structure new knowledge, and interpreting research. While at the same time regulating their emotional and cognitive loads. On another note, student-athletes are experiencing rising demands and challenges due to social justice related issues, name image and likeness, and mental health related issues.