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2021 Faculty Election

Catherine Marshall

Running for: Division 18. Retired Faculty: Faculty Council
  • William Eaves Distinguished Professor of Educational Policy and Leadership, Emerita
  • School of Education
  • Appointed: 1991
  • Ph D., University of California, Santa Barbara, 1979
UNC Service

Previous campus leadership includes:
Facilitating Retired Faculty Seminars 2019-2021
Committee on the Status of Women, Faculty Council 2010-2013.
Provost Committee on Gay Lesbian Campus Issues, 2006-08.
Director, Smallwood Fellowship for Women Leaders, 1999-2002 and 2005-2008
Faculty Council representing School of Education, 1998-2000
Chancellor’s Committee for Established Lectures, 1992-1994.
Advisory Board creating Bridges: A Program for Women’s Access to Academic Leadership, 1993.

Candidate Statement

In facilitating Retired Faculty Seminars, I loved the stimulating conversations with the array of faculty from across the campus. However, my leadership experience has been in my national association. My scholarly work was geared toward describing oppressive practices through my research on the politics of education, qualitative methodology, gender, policy and social justice . From teaching in secondary education, then professorships at University of Pennsylvania, then Vanderbilt, then UNC, and to supervising interns for leadership positions, I have rather cynical views of leadership in educational settings. Still, I can replace cynicism with advocacy.
My goals center on my above mentioned areas of expertise.