2021 Faculty Election

Alice Ma
Running for: Division 13. School of Medicine: Faculty Council, Nontenured
- Clinical Professor
- Medicine
- Appointed: 1998
- MD, University of Michigan, 1989
UNC Service
I have served on many medical school committees, more notably, the TEC (Translational Education at Carolina), which helped redesign the medical school curriculum, and the Investigational Review Board. Most importantly, I have served on the UNC Medical School Promotions Committee (now Student Progress Committee) since 2007, serving as chair since 2015. This committee reviews students with academic or professional difficulties and recommends appropriate action.
Candidate Statement
I was the first Asian American faculty member in the Department of Medicine in 1998 and have served as faculty advisor of the Asian American Medical Student Association. I am also a fixed term faculty member and would like to represent and advocate for these groups University-wide. As the chair of the Student Progress Committee for the Medical School, I have seen areas where we could support students and faculty and staff better as students struggle with completing their training, and I would like to advocate for changing policy to better support our struggling students, while enhancing the ability of faculty and staff to uphold standards and delivery high quality education to all students.