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2020 Faculty Election

Stephen Leonard

Running for: Division 18. Retired Faculty: Faculty Council
  • Retired Professor
  • Political Science
  • Appointed: 1985
  • PhD, University of Minnesota, 1987
UNC Service

Stephen Leonard retired after serving on the faculty of the Political Science Department from 1985-2018. He held appointments on numerous administrative and faculty governance bodies, and served as Chair of the UNC System Faculty Assembly (2014-16) during the period in which Tom Ross was removed and Margaret Spellings was selected as President of the UNC System. Leonard is currently working on a history of the University system focusing on developments and changes in public higher education governance, and has in recent years written extensively on UNC system management and governance issues.

Candidate Statement

Carolina's tradition of good governance has become increasingly difficult to sustain as system and campus trustees and administrative leaders have faltered, and faculty governance responsibilities and influence have been eroded. It will take constancy of commitment, and concerted and carefully focused efforts over a long period, to correct that decline. We have enormously talented colleagues and future leaders on this campus who can help make that happen. I hope my extensive experience with and understanding of North Carolina public higher education governance might contribute to informing those efforts.

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