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2022 Faculty Election

Cherie Kuzmiak

Running for: Division 13. School of Medicine: Faculty Council, Tenured
  • Professor
  • Radiology
  • Appointed: 1999
  • DO, Des Moines University at Des Moines, IA, 1993
UNC Service

I have been on staff providing direct patient care at UNC for 22 years in the Breast Imaging Clinic. In addition, my other service experience to UNC include: Associate Vice-Chair of Operations in the Department of Radiology; Medical Director of Breast Imaging Services (x17 years); Post-Tenure Review Committee; Associate Professor Appointment, Promotion & Tenure Committee; Committee on Cancer; and Diversity Inclusion and Equity Committee. My years of service and involvement with many different committees have provided me with the insight and tools on how people can successfully work together to achieve system-wide goals.

Candidate Statement

I would appreciate the opportunity to represent you by serving on the Faculty Council in order to make a difference. We are entering a new era and facing new challenges as we try to emerge from the pandemic. I believe in patient-centered care, faculty and trainee development with advancement, transparency, diversity and equality.
Thank you for your consideration.

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