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2021 Faculty Election

Anna Krome-Lukens

Running for: Administrative Board of the Library: Social Sciences, Division 4. Social Sciences: Faculty Council, Nontenured
  • Teaching Associate Professor
  • Public Policy, College of Arts and Sciences
  • Appointed: 2014
  • Ph.D., University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 2014
UNC Service

I am currently a member of Faculty Council, and in 2019-2020 I also served as member of the Agenda Committee. Past service includes the UNC Student Stores Advisory Board; the Advisory Council for the Graduate School Professional Development Program; and chairing the task force on Experiential Education for the General Education Curriculum Revision. My interest in self-governance began before I joined the faculty; my appointments during graduate school at UNC included the Administrative Board of the Library, the University Committee on Copyright, the Sustainability Advisory Committee, and Faculty Council (as a grad student representative).

Candidate Statement

I am eager to continue serving my colleagues as a Faculty Council representative and to return to the Administrative Board of the Library. As a graduate alum of the History department and a member of the teaching faculty in Public Policy, I understand the range of needs and priorities within the College, particularly in the Division of Social Sciences. As Director of Experiential Education for Public Policy, I frequently collaborate with colleagues across campus and partner with community members to engage our students in their work. I bring my awareness of the needs of our state and my understanding of the pressures facing different UNC units to my service commitments in faculty governance. My goal is to make UNC the most equitable and welcoming place it can be for all of our students, staff, and faculty.