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2023 Faculty Election

Raj Kasthuri

Running for: Division 13. School of Medicine: Faculty Council, Nontenured
  • Professor
  • Department of Medicine, School of Medicine
  • Appointed: 2007
  • MBBS; Kasturba Medical College, India
  • Candidate Website
UNC Service

I joined the faculty at UNC Chapel Hill in 2007. Over the last 16 years I have had the opportunity to contribute to our UNC community in various ways and served on a number of committees. I consider my most important contribution to be serving on the Committee on Fixed Term Faculty. I was appointed to this Committee in 2020 for a 3-year term. Over the last 3 years, the Committee has focused our efforts on the following topics: salary equity, salary compression, longer term limits on faculty contracts, mentoring for fixed term faculty, and updating the Guidelines for Success of fixed term faculty.

Candidate Statement

I consider it an honor to represent our non-tenured School of Medicine faculty on the Faculty Council. I have been a faculty member at UNC for 16 years. In this time I have served on a number of committees and had many leadership roles within my Department and Division, and in external organizations. My term on the Committee on Fixed term Faculty was very instructive and required me to work closely with members from various Colleges across UNC Chapel Hill. The Faculty Council is charged with many important roles, both on the advisory and legislative fronts. I bring with me the collective knowledge from my experiences at UNC over the years, an eagerness to serve our Carolina community, and an acute awareness of the responsibility and trust placed on me if elected to represent the diverse SOM faculty on the Council.