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2024 Faculty Election

Jeffrey Hirsch

Running for: Faculty Hearings Committee
  • Professor
  • School of Law
  • Appointed: 2011
  • JD, New York University, 1998
  • Candidate Website
UNC Service

In addition to extensive service at the UNC Law School, I have engaged in main campus service in various ways. I was the Law School representative to the Campus Faculty Council for three years, and I served on the university Policy Review Committee for two years. I also assisted RENCI in the development of their Law and Data Science Workshops. Moreover, as a Law School associate dean for five years, I worked with numerous campus officials and departments in a variety of contexts.

Candidate Statement

I have specialized in labor and employment law for the entirety of my professional career. After four years litigating labor cases for a federal agency, I have taught and researched labor and employment law issues for the past twenty years. I have also been trained as a labor arbitrator, which typically involve employee discipline or termination issues.

Faculty discipline and termination issues are very difficult for all involved and it is important that the Faculty Hearings Committee fulfill its charge in a manner that protects the interests of the faculty member and university. The best way to do this is to ensure that committee proceedings are fair and follow all required procedures. My hope is that my labor and employment law experience would be an asset to the committee as it strives to meet these goals.