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2023 Faculty Election

Andy Hessick

Running for: Faculty Executive Committee
  • Judge John J. Parker Distinguished Professor of Law and Associate Dean for Strategy & Planning
  • Law
  • Appointed: 2016
  • JD, Yale University
  • Candidate Website
UNC Service

I have been Associate Dean of Strategy for the past five years at the Law School. I currently am in my third year on the Committee on University Government. I previously served on Faculty Council.

Candidate Statement

UNC is an amazing place. I have worked hard to help UNC move forward and overcome challenges, including by championing traditional values of faculty governance and combating encroachments on academic freedom. Serving on the FEC would give me a chance to continue in that service.

Between serving on Faculty Council, the Committee for University Government, and associate dean at the law school, which often finds itself at least somewhat involved in many of the controversies at UNC, I have become deeply familiar with the many of the issues facing UNC and the important role the faculty can play in addressing those issues.

I would bring to the FEC the lawyers toolkit of analytically approaching problems, seeing things through the eyes of “the other side,” and seeking to make pragmatic decisions that will achieve effective outcomes.