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2023 Faculty Election

Deborah Givens

Running for: Faculty Hearings Committee
  • Professor
  • Division of Physical Therapy, Department Health Science, Medicine
  • Appointed: 2015
  • PhD, University of Iowa
  • Candidate Website
UNC Service

University Faculty Hearings Board Panel (e.g., Honor Court), Office of Student Conduct and Office of Faculty Governance, 4/2015-present
Director, Division of Physical Therapy, Department of Health Sciences, School of Medicine, 1/2015 - present
Associate Chair for Faculty Affairs, Department of Health Sciences, School of Medicine, 8/2022 - present
Chair, Appointments, Promotion, & Tenure Committee, DHS, 8/2022 – present, Member, 11/2015-present
Volunteer. Friday Center Vaccination Clinic. Spring 2021
Physical Therapist Faculty Preceptor, Student Health Action Coalition (SHAC), School of Medicine, 1/2015-present

Candidate Statement

Thank you for considering me for the Faculty Hearings Committee. I believe in due process and that every member of our community deserves to have the opportunity to have their case heard by their peers. My experience as a long-term volunteer to the University Faculty Hearings Board Panel (e.g., Honor Court) for the Office of Student Conduct and Office of Faculty Governance has honed the skills necessary for this committee. One must listen, reflect, deliberate, and give an opinion based on the facts presented. I am a tenured professor, and while I have been at UNC for eight years, I also bring experience from other strong institutions of higher learning that may provide a broader perspective.