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2024 Faculty Election

Barbara Friedman

Running for: Faculty Grievance Committee, Associate Professor/Associate Librarian
  • Associate Professor
  • Hussman School of Journalism and Media
  • Appointed: 2004
  • Ph.D., University of Missouri, 2004
  • Candidate Website
UNC Service

Selected roles in which I have served the University:
Faculty Grievance Committee, 2021-present
Chair, Distinguished Teaching Awards for Post-Baccalaureate Instruction subcommittee, University Teaching Awards Committee, 2020-2021
UNC Women’s and Gender Studies Graduate Certificate Program Advisory Board, 2020-present
Member, Carolina Women’s Center Advisory Board, 2019-2021
Judge, University Awards for the Advancement of Women (UAAW), 2020, 2021
Member, Carolina Engagement Council, 2014-2016, 2019-2020
Member, Provost’s Task Force on Engaged Scholarship, 2015-2016

Candidate Statement

Fairness in personnel decisions is essential to a healthy workplace, and I care deeply about contributing to UNC as an equitable, supportive academic community. Service on the Grievance Committee (since 2021) has been an opportunity to ensure the University commitment to democratic values, including transparency and accountability. Various leadership and committee roles in the Hussman School have strengthened my appreciation for the difficulties of this kind of evaluative work and, moreover, its impact on individuals and institutions. The focus on equity in my research, teaching and service have required careful listening, cooperative solutions, and routine reflection and assessment—practices that I will continue to bring to the Grievance Committee. I welcome the opportunity to continue serving the faculty community in this way.