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2020 Faculty Election

Sue Estroff

Running for: Faculty Executive Committee
  • Professor
  • Social Medicine, Medicine
  • Appointed: 1982
  • PhD, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 1978
UNC Service

Executive Committee of the Faculty Council, 1995-1999
Chair of the Faculty, 2000-2003 (includes multiple committee memberships over the 3 year term)
Chair, Health Sciences Library Advisory Board, 2005-2007.
Honorary Degrees and Awards Committee, 2011-14, Chair 2013, re-elected 2014-2017, Chair 2014-15.
University Appointment, Promotions, and Tenure Committee, 2016-2019

Candidate Statement

After a hiatus of direct Faculty Council engagement of over nearly 2 decades, I find the future of the University to be perilous and in need to fierce nourishment and advocacy. Having served in multiple roles on campus and during trying and good times, it is compelling to re-engage in this way to contribute to our present and to protect our future.