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2020 Faculty Election

Bruno Estigarribia

Running for: Faculty Hearings Committee
  • Associate Professor
  • Romance Studies, Arts and Sciences
  • Appointed: 2009
  • PhD, Stanford University, 2007
  • Candidate Website
UNC Service

University Service: 2015–2018, Faculty Council, Member (elected)
(Not counting departmental service)

Candidate Statement

Personnel issues have always been a priority for me. I have served in our departmental Personnel Committee (chairing it twice), Faculty Review Committee, Salary Committee, and Diversity, Inclusion, & Equity Committee. During my term on Faculty Council, I saw first-hand the significance of upholding the principles of shared governance and in strengthening our bonds as a University community. The Faculty Hearings Committee performs critical work in ensuring the fair, equal, non-discriminatory treatment of university faculty in regards to matters of reappointment, suspension, demotion, or discharge. This function is essential in providing protections to faculty members. Ensuring that life-altering decisions are not based on impermissible grounds or procedurally vitiated is of paramount importance to me, and I hope to help us achieve that.