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§ 3-1. The Chair of the Faculty

(a) The chair of the faculty serves as chair pro tempore of the Faculty Council and of the General Faculty, makes an annual report to the Faculty Council on the state of the faculty, represents the chancellor in all academic matters whenever the chancellor may request the chair to do so, and has such other responsibilities as may be determined by the chancellor or the Faculty Council.

(b) Nominations and elections for chair of the faculty are held every second year. Nominations are made by the Advisory Committee, which announces the upcoming election to all members of the voting faculty and invites recommendations of persons to be nominated. The Committee selects and submits the names of at least two qualified persons. The nominee receiving the highest number of votes in the election is elected, unless the person has failed to receive a majority of the votes cast. In that event, a run-off election is held between those who received the highest and the next highest number of votes in the previous election, and the person receiving the highest number of votes in the run-off election is elected.

(c) The person elected serves for one year as chair-elect, beginning on July 1 following the election, then assumes the office of chair of the faculty on July 1 of the next year. The person then serves as chair of the faculty for a term of two years and is not eligible for immediate reelection. The chair-elect serves on the Faculty Executive Committee and may substitute for the chair during the chair’s temporary absence, if requested by the chair. No person may serve on the Faculty Executive Committee simultaneously as both chair-elect and as an elected member. If a person is an elected member of the Faculty Executive Committee when the person becomes chair-elect, the person’s elected position is deemed vacant and will be filled as provided by §§ 2-10 and 4-3 of this Code.

(d) The immediate past-chair serves a one-year term on the Advisory Committee and may substitute for the chair during the chair’s temporary absence, if requested by the chair

[1History Note: § 3-1 was amended on December 9, 2022 (Resolution 2022-6). The resolution provides that the person elected chair of the faculty during the 2022-23 academic year will assume the office on July 1, 2023 and serve a term of 3 years. The next election for chair of the faculty will occur during the 2024-25 academic year, and the person elected will assume the role of chair-elect on July 1, 2025, then assume the office of chair of the faculty on July 1, 2026 for a term of two years. Subsequent elections for chair of the faculty will be held every two years.]

§ 3-2. The Secretary of the Faculty (Effective until July 1, 2026)

(a) The secretary of the faculty keeps minutes of all meetings of the General Faculty and of the Faculty Council and maintains a permanent of the minutes, conducts all elections of the General Faculty and the Faculty Council, and conducts correspondence pertaining to elections and actions of the two faculty bodies. The secretary maintains files of all nominations and citations for honorary degrees and special awards and also maintains records of the charge, membership, and duration of all committees about which he or she is notified pursuant to § 4-1(b).

(b) (Effective until July 1, 2026) The secretary of the faculty serves for a term of five years and is eligible for reelection. The Advisory Committee nominates one member of the voting faculty for the position. The Faculty Council, after opportunity has been given for additional nominations from the floor, proceeds to elect a secretary of the faculty.

(b) (Effective beginning July 1, 2026) The secretary of the faculty serves for a term of four years and is eligible for reelection, but may not serve more than two terms consecutively. The Advisory Committee nominates one member of the voting faculty for the position. The Faculty Council, after opportunity has been given for additional nominations from the floor, proceeds to elect a secretary of the faculty.

[2History Note: § 3-2(b) was amended on December 9, 2022 (Resolution 2022-6). The resolution provided that the person elected secretary of the faculty during the 2021-22 academic year has a 5-year term and is eligible for reelection to a second 4-year term. Subsequent terms for the secretary of the faculty shall be four years.]

§ 3-3. The Faculty Marshal

The faculty marshal is appointed by the chancellor from among the voting faculty for a renewable five-year term. In making or renewing an appointment to this position, the chancellor seeks the advice of the Advisory Committee. The faculty marshal assists the chancellor in planning commencement ceremonies, the annual observance of University Day, and other University-wide academic convocations and ceremonies, and bears the marshal’s staff at the head of the academic procession on all such occasions.

§ 3-4. The Faculty Athletics Representative

The faculty athletics representative is appointed by the chancellor from among the voting faculty for an indefinite term, subject to formal review at least every five years. In making an appointment to this position or reviewing the incumbent, the chancellor follows a process established with the advice and consent of the Advisory Committee. The faculty athletics representative is the University’s voting delegate to the Atlantic Coast Conference and the University’s faculty representative within the National Collegiate Athletic Association. He or she makes an annual report to the Faculty Council and makes special reports to the Council from time to time as may be requested by the Agenda Committee.

§ 3-5. Vacancies

(a) Should an officer of the faculty resign or be unable to complete a term, the vacancy shall be filled as soon as practicable, following as closely as possible the procedure for election or appointment described in the appropriate section of Article 3.

(b) Should an officer of the faculty become temporarily unable to discharge the duties of the position or a vacancy exist pending an election held under § 3-5(a), an interim officer may be appointed. For the chair and the secretary of the faculty, such interim appointments are made by the Advisory Committee. For the faculty marshal and the faculty athletics representative, interim appointments are made by the chancellor, with the advice of the Advisory Committee. [Entire section 3-5 “Vacancies” added February 19, 2016.]

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