September 10, 2008
Faculty Governance News
vol. 3.2
September 10, 2008
From the UNC Office of Faculty Governance
200-204 Carr Building
UNC-CH Campus
Contact: Anne M. Whisnant (
Faculty Council and General Faculty will meet this Friday, September 12
The Faculty Council’s first monthly meeting of the year will be held this Friday, September 12, 2008 at 3:00 p.m. in the Hitchcock Multipurpose Room of the Sonja Haynes Stone Center for Black Culture and History. Chancellor Holden Thorp will make his first remarks to the Council beginning at 3:00 p.m. This also constitutes the fall meeting of the General Faculty. The full agenda is here. All faculty are welcome.
2009 Distinguished Alumna/us Award nominees sought; Deadline for nominations is October 14
Nominations are being accepted for 2009 UNC Distinguished Alumna/us Awards, which will be presented at the 2009 University Day ceremony. The deadline for nominations is Tuesday, October 14, 2008, and anyone may submit a nomination.
The Faculty Committee on Honorary Degrees and Special Awards selects winners. Nomination letters should include appropriate biographical information (a CV is helpful) and a statement in support of the nomination that shows the nominee’s contribution to humanity in any walk of life. Supporting letters often accompany nominations, but the content, not the number, of these letters is what counts.
Nomination letters can be sent to the Committee on Honorary Degrees and Special Awards, Campus Box 9170 or by email to Please read the complete criteria and instructions for making a nomination here.
Chancellor Holden Thorp to be formally installed on University Day, October 12, 3:00 p.m.
The University will install Dr. Holden Thorp as its 10th chancellor on University Day, Oct. 12, the birthday of the nation’s oldest state university. Thorp will give an installation address, and the University will honor distinguished alumni during a festive ceremony steeped in campus history.
All faculty are encouraged to attend. If you do plan to march with the faculty, please let Anne Whisnant know by this Friday, September 12 (
Complete information about the installation ceremonies, which will include conferring of the annual Distinguished Alumna/us Awards, is available here:
Association of Women Faculty and Professionals holds fall reception, September 18
The UNC Association of Women Faculty and Professionals invites all women faculty to its fall reception, to be held September 18, 2008 at 5:00 p.m. in the Faculty Commons at the Campus Y.
Since 1978, the AWFP has offered women faculty opportunities for fun, networking and learning through social activities, seminars, discussion groups and other events. The diverse membership, expanded to include professional women in 1992, now includes faculty, researchers, administrators, librarians, communicators, fundraisers, medical and legal professionals, and other UNC faculty and staff.
For more information, please visit the AWFP website or contact AWFP president Jane Thrailkill at or vice president Anne Whisnant at
Alert Carolina will test emergency sirens and text messaging system, September 16
As part of Alert Carolina, a safety awareness campaign, the University will TEST the emergency sirens and text messaging on Tuesday, September 16, between 12:15 p.m. and 12:45 p.m. This test requires no action on your part.
If an emergency occurs on campus, University officials will use various communication methods – including text messages – to reach faculty, students and staff as quickly as possible. The University can send text messages only to people who have registered their cell numbers in the online campus directory, however. To register your cell phone or to learn more about Alert Carolina, to
Institute for Arts and Humanities fellowship deadlines approaching
Deadlines for applications for several fellowship programs hosted by the Institute for Arts and Humanities (including the Academic Leadership Program) are approaching in late September and October. To read more about these programs, please visit:
Games4Learning events explore immersive worlds, game engines
Interested in applying computer games to the UNC-Chapel Hill curriculum? Explore that topic at two new Games4Learning events! The Creative Power of Immersive Worlds will take place on Thursday, Sept. 18, 4 to 5 011 Graham Memorial, Johnston Center for Undergraduate Excellence and Game Engine Show and Tell on Friday, Sept. 19, 2 to 4 p.m, at Toy Lounge, Dey Hall. Registration is required, but free. To learn more, visit
Faculty Commons at the Campus Y: Free coffee and a place to meet
The Anne Queen Faculty Commons at the Campus Y is a beautiful space managed for the use of faculty and their guests every weekday during the day. Free coffee is available from 9:00 to 1:00, and most days the room is open for impromptu get-togethers or faculty gatherings. Faculty groups can also reserve the room for faculty-oriented programs. Please contact the Office of Faculty Governance for more details (962-2147) or check out the room regulations, calendar, and reservation form online. Come by and sit for a spell, or peruse the “reading room” selection below and please send us any comments or suggestions you might have about the Commons.
Faculty Governance Reading Room
Articles, books, or other resources of interest to faculty:
- Can the Club Work? What “works” about faculty lounges and clubs? Are we the poorer for their decline?
From the Chronicle of Higher Education’s “On Hiring” blog. Something to think about as we go into our second year with the Anne Queen Faculty Commons room at the Y.
About Faculty Governance News
The Faculty Governance News is published every two weeks throughout the academic year by the Office of Faculty Governance. Archived issues and the publication schedule for 2008-09 are available online here. Information to be considered for inclusion should be sent to Anne Whisnant ( by Monday before an issue is schedule to appear.
For more information on any of these items, please contact Anne Whisnant in the Office of Faculty Governance.