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Faculty Governance News

vol. 3.4

October 8 , 2008

From the UNC Office of Faculty Governance
200-204 Carr Building
UNC-CH Campus
Contact:  Anne M. Whisnant (

Faculty Council to meet Friday, October 10

The Faculty Council will meet this Friday, Oct. 10, at 3 p.m. in the Multipurpose Room of the Sonja Haynes Stone Center for Black Culture and History.  Topics on the agenda include:

  • Faculty Athletics Committee and the Faculty Athletics Representative’s annual reports
  • Recent changes in the Post-Tenure Review Policy
  • Recent changes in the 403-B Supplemental Retirement Program
  • Two resolutions to be voted on

To see the complete agenda and all supporting documents, please click here

Faculty Governance meetings calendar now online

Do you ever wish you knew when those faculty committees enumerated in the Faculty Code were meeting?  Now you can, because we have created a Faculty Governance meetings calendar.  It has the meeting schedules for many of the faculty committees, including the Faculty Council, the Faculty Council Agenda Committee, the Faculty Executive Committee, the Chancellor’s Advisory Committee, the Educational Policy Committee, the Fixed Term Faculty Committee, the Undergraduate Admissions Committee, the Honorary Degrees and Special Awards Committee, and the Faculty Athletics Committee.  Check it out!

Parking information for faculty participating in University Day processional on October 12

The faculty processional for this Sunday’s University Day ceremony, featuring the installation of Chancellor Holden Thorp, will form in Memorial Hall beginning at 2:15 p.m., with the ceremony beginning at 3:00.  Full details about the day’s events may be seen here: 

Parking for University Day has been allocated in the Morehead lot.  Faculty who responded affirmatively to requests for RSVPs are on the Installation Committee’s parking list and do not need a permit for that lot.  However, the strong response from faculty who want to attend may mean that all allocated spaces get taken. Faculty who can carpool or walk to campus are urged to do so.

Should the Morehead lot be filled, parking monitors will give you a pass for the McCauley deck (in the Global Ed Center). Leave yourself some extra time to arrive on campus to ensure that you are able to begin robing and line-ups by 2:15 p.m.

For more information, email

Deadline for nominations for 2009 Distinguished Alumna/us Awards is October 14

Nominations are being accepted for 2009 UNC Distinguished Alumna/us Awards, which will be presented at the 2009 University Day ceremony. The deadline for nominations is Tuesday, October 14, 2008, and anyone may submit a nomination.  The Faculty Committee on Honorary Degrees and Special Awards selects winners. 

Nomination letters should include appropriate biographical information (a CV is helpful) and a statement in support of the nomination that shows the nominee’s contribution to humanity in any walk of life. Supporting letters often accompany nominations, but the content, not the number, of these letters is what counts.
Nomination letters should be sent to the Committee on Honorary Degrees and Special Awards, Campus Box 9170 or by email to  Please read the complete criteria and instructions for making a nomination here

Inaugural Eve Carson Memorial 5k for Education to be held on Saturday, November 15

The first Eve Carson Memorial 5k for Education will take place November 15.  Faculty and staff are asked to consider registering and running with your department.  The sponsors, Pi Beta Phi sorority and Phi Delta Theta fraternity, aim to get over half the campus and surrounding community involved in the race.  Proceeds will be distributed as follows:

  • 2/3 will go to the Eve Carson Memorial Junior-Year Scholarship.  The scholarship is a one-year merit based scholarship to recognize rising seniors who have excelled as students and community leaders while attending the University.
  • 1/6 will go to First Book, a national nonprofit organization whose mission is to give preschool children from low-income families the opportunity to read and own their first books. The sponsors will also be accepting used and new books for the book drive on the day of the race.
  • 1/6 will go to Clyde Erwin Elementary School, in Onslow County.  Clyde Erwin has been identified as a priority school by the Onslow County School System.  Nearly seventy percent of their students are economically disadvantaged and score ten percent lower in reading and nearly fifteen percent lower in math on end of grade test scores than students who are not economically disadvantaged.
  • For full information about the race, please visit

Game4Learning topic of Oct. 22 panel discussion

Who are student gamers? Why do they play? Have they transferred knowledge between the game and real life?  A panel of seven UNC gamers will discuss their experiences next Wednesday, Oct. 22, from 4 to 5 p.m. in the second floor Incubator Room in Hyde Hall at the Institute for the Arts and the Humanities.

Registration is free at Refreshments will be served.  To learn more about the Games4Learning initiative, please visit,

Faculty Governance Reading Room

Articles, books, or other resources of interest to faculty:

This week’s feature:  Chancellor Holden Thorp’s blog at  Beginning September 29, Chancellor Thorp went online to share his thoughts and ideas about Carolina.  He invites your comments.

About Faculty Governance News

The Faculty Governance News is published every two weeks throughout the academic year by the Office of Faculty Governance.  Archived issues and the publication schedule for 2008-09 are available online here.  Information to be considered for inclusion should be sent to Anne Whisnant ( by Monday before an issue is schedule to appear. 

For more information on any of these items, please contact Anne Whisnant in the Office of Faculty Governance.