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Attention N3 & NG3 Permit Holders:

From Saturday, March 3 and Sunday, March 4 (at the beginning of the campus Spring Break period), access will be blocked to the Bynum Circle (N3), Caldwell (NG3), and Steele (NG3) parking areas due to a utility duct bank installation project.

Two-way traffic along Cameron Avenue will be maintained.

The sidewalk along Cameron Avenue near the Bynum Circle access-way will be blocked but pedestrian access to all building will be maintained.

Those N3 / NG3 permit holders displaced by the project should seek alternative parking in the Hanes, Old East (N3), Swain (NG1) or Lenoir (N3) lots. Disability and Zipcar parking will be temporarily relocated to the Old East Lot (N3 Zone).

The project will involve excavations and heavy equipment so all are encouraged to use caution. Construction will throughout the week following the closures, but access will be maintained to the parking lots.

Call the Department of Public Safety at 962-3951 during normal business hours with other questions or concerns.

Thank you,

The Department of Public Safety

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