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Meeting of the Faculty Council

Friday, November 14th 2003 at 3:00 p.m.

The Faculty Lounge in the West Wing of the Morehead Building

Chancellor James Moeser and Professor Judith Wegner, Chair of the Faculty, will preside.


3:00 Faculty Council Convenes. (Professor Joseph Ferrell, Professor Judith Wegner)

3:00 Opening Remarks and Question Time.

  • Chancellor James Moeser invites questions or comments.
  • Comments by Chair of the Faculty Judith Wegner.
  • Comments by Members of the Faculty Council.

3:25 Revisions to The Faculty Code of University Government – Initial Presentation

  • Overview of proposed revisions of articles I-IV of the Faculty Code (relating to the General Faculty, Faculty Council, Officers of the Faculty, and Standing Committees): Professor Elizabeth Gibson, Faculty Committee on University Government.
    • Discussion by members of the Council (particularly relating to Faculty Council nomination process).
    • Proposed Changes to Faculty Code (Word document)
    • Commentary on Proposed Changes

4:10 Reports of Standing Committees.

  • Faculty Athletics Committee (Professor Lissa Broome)
    • Report of the Committee
    • Appendix to the Report (PDF)
  • Faculty Committee on Research
    • Report of the Committee
    • Appendix to the Report (PDF)

4:45 Closed Session. Distinguished Alumnus and Alumna Awards for 2004.

5:00 Adjourn.


Joseph S. Ferrell
Secretary of the Faculty


The Faculty Council of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill convened at 3:00 the Faculty Lounge of the Morehead Building.

The following 59 members attended: Ammerman, Bachenheimer, Bouldin, Bowen, Elter, Elvers, Givre, Goldstein, Gollop, Granger, Hammond, Heenan, Holditch-Davis, Holmgren, Howell, Kramer, Leonard, Liu, Lohr, Malizia, McGraw, Miller, Molina, Muller, Nicholas, Nonini, Orthner, Pardun, Parikh, Perelmuter, Perrin, Pittman, Poole, Renner, Rippe, Rock, Rogers, Rowan, Salmon, Sawin, Schauer, Shea, Jay Smith, Straughan, Strauss, Tauchen, Tobin, Toews, Tresolini, Tulloch, Vandermeer, Wallace, Weinberg, Wilson, Wolford, Yankaskas, and Yopp. The following 28 members were granted excused absences: Adimora,Arnold, Bane,Cairns, Colindres, Conover, Daye, de Silva, Fishell, Foley, Gerber, Gulledge, Kagarise, Kjervik, Klebanow, Langbauer, Leigh, Martin, Mesibov, Miguel, Morris-Natschke, Owen, Pisano,Porto, Simpson, John Smith, Vick, and Willis. Two members were absent without excuse: Anton, and Reisner

The secretary of the faculty called the meeting to order.

Prof. Larry Rowan (Physics & Astronomy) introduced the following resolution:

In Appreciation of Faculty Marshal, Professor Ron Hyatt

Whereas, Professor Ron Hyatt has a long-standing love affair with the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, dating from his time as a student who received a masters degree in 1959, and

Whereas, Ron devoted himself to assisting Governor Terry Sanford establish the North Carolina Advancement School (a school for underachieving students) before moving back to Carolina as intramural sports director and assistant professor of physical education in 1966, and in 1970 earned his doctorate here, and

Whereas, he remained a committed senior professor in the Department of Exercise and Sports Science since those days, and has served as the director of the Program for Public Policy in Sport, and

Whereas, Ron was a driving force in the establishment of “The Farm,” Carolina’s Faculty and Staff Recreation Association, negotiating a 99 year lease for $1, clearing kudzu, picnicking, and serving as the group’s first president, and

Whereas, Ron was named by the N.C. High School Athletic Association as one of the 50 most influential people in North Carolina high school sports in the last 50 years, and

Whereas, Ron has lifted the tone of the athletics-academics debate, by speaking on such topics as the poetry and prose of sports literature in North Carolina, and

Whereas, Ron was named as Faculty Marshal in 1992 by Chancellor Paul Hardin and served with distinction in assembly and assisting the faculty to participate in the Bicentennial Celebration, University Day, Commencement, and other gatherings of note, and

Whereas, in 2002 Ron won the University’s C. Knox Massey Distinguished Service Award, which recognizes “unusual, meritorious or superior contributions” by UNC employees, and

Whereas, Ron has shared his life’s wisdom with members of the University community, putting up with liberals (he said—“I love them all, brother… Them’s my people), and the weather (observing as to rain on commencement—“When it’s raining on you, why cry… You only add to the water”), and

Whereas, Ron has been a role-model to generations of faculty who were gently and humorously herded by him into orderly columns that looked reasonably well-organized on commencement days, and

Whereas, Ron resigned his post as Faculty Marshal in September 2003 for personal reasons, and

Whereas, Ron’s leadership will be greatly missed, and

Whereas, Ron’s warmth, dignity, and spirit will remain with all those he has touched forever,

NOW, Therefore, Be It Resolved by the Faculty Council that, on behalf of our colleagues and legions of students, families and friends, we

Advise Ron that the University community returns his deep love,

Commend Ron for his distinguished service and leadership, come rain or come shine, and

Commit ourselves to carry on the University’s proud traditions of gathering together in times of need for comfort and in celebration to rejoice in our proud history and our shared vision for forging a better future.

The Resolution was adopted by acclamation and is enrolled as Resolution 2003-12.

Prof. Hyatt responded:

I would like to take a moment of your time to thank you for 10 years of service as faculty marshal. It was my privilege and honor to serve you for a decade of some wonderful, strange, and downright weird graduations. I have missed one graduation in 37 years of teaching atCarolina—47 counting my years at Campbell University. I would like to thank the chancellor and the Commencement Committee for restoring some amount of sanity and meaning to our great commencements. We are in danger of losing our customs and traditions—they fall by the wayside—but as long as we continue our celebration of University Day and Commencement—paying homage to those who have given so much to us—we will be good shape. To those of you who joined the faculty procession last May and signed the program that you presented to me, let me say it was a good moment when I received that. The faculty marshal has three duties: (1) pray for good weather (that requires some communication with the Good Lord); (2) get faculty members to march two-by-two (that also requires some doing); and (3) be sure not to drop the Marshal’s Staff!

In his remarks, Chancellor Moeser:

  • Announced that, in consultation with the Advisory Committee, he has appointed Prof. Trudier Harris as faculty marshal;
  • Reported that a draft plan for development of Carolina North has been released to the press due to a formal request under the Public Records Act and reviewed opportunities for review and comment on the draft plan that will arise;
  • Reported that the Board of Governors has referred back to committee all pending proposals to modify the cap on out-of-state enrollment;
  • Reported on the recommendations of the Tuition Task Force that will be considered by the Board of Trustees at its December meeting;
  • Commented on work of the Chancellor’s Task Force for a Better Work Place;
  • Reported that Carolina has been recognized by the Journal of Blacks in Higher Education as ranking first in the percentage of undergraduate African-American enrollment among the nation’s 50 highest academically ranked universities.

In her remarks, Prof. Judith Wegner, Chair of the Faculty:

  • Briefed the Council on plans for conducting a survey of the entire faculty on issues related to faculty retention;
  • Called attention to a presentation posted on the Faculty Goverance web site concerning faculty and staff benefits (see;
  • Reported that she has met with the mayor of Chapel Hill and plans to meet with the Carrboro Board of Aldermen on the matter of town-gown relations.

Prof. Elizabeth Gibson, chair of the Committee on University Government, gave notice that the Committee will call for a special meeting of the General Faculty in conjunction with the December Faculty Council meeting to consider a revision of Articles 1 through 4 of the Faculty Code of University Government. She distributed copies of the proposed resolution (see and a separate document explaining the major substantive changes it would make and the rationale for them. These documents are posted at and ///reports/CodeRevision2.htm.

Carol Tobin(Academic Affairs Library) pointed out that the rewording the definition of members of the General Faculty would have the effect of including several librarians who hold SPA appointments. If that is not the intent, the current wording of the definition with respect to librarians should be retained. Prof. Gibson said she would take this under consideration.

Rebekah Burford (student liaison) asked if there had been outreach to interest faculty members in serving on the Committee on Black Faculty and Students, which is proposed for elimination on the grounds that efforts to populate it have been unsuccessful for a number of years. Prof. Ferrell said that prior to 1996-97, there were three faculty committees addressing issues of diversity: the Committee on Black Faculty, the Committee on the Status of Minorities and the Disadvantaged, and the Committee on the Status of Women. In 1996, under the leadership of the chair of the faculty, Prof. Jane Brown, the first two committees, which had overlapping portfolios to some extent, were renamed Committee on Black Faculty and Students and Committee on Community and Diversity. Their charges were revised so that the Committee on Black Faculty and Students would focus its work specifically on issues of concern to African-American faculty and students while the other committee would address issues of concern to other ethnic or social minorities. He said that for reasons unknown to him, Prof. Brown was unable to recruit faculty willing to serve on the Committee on Black Faculty and Students. The next two faculty chairs, Prof.Richard Andrewsand Prof. Sue Estroff, also tried to activate the committee with no success. Prof. Wegner said she did not favor having two committees with potentially overlapping jurisdiction and that she plans to revitalize the Committee on Community and Diversity, which is appointed by the chair of the faculty. Prof. Ferrell remarked that the Committee on University Government thought that a single committee with a clearly understood charge would be more likely to accomplish its mission than two committees with overlapping charges.

Philip Vandermeer (Academic Affairs Library) asked for comment on the proposed abolition of the Agenda Committee. Having served on that committee, he felt that it served a useful purpose. Prof. Gibson said that the Committee on University Government had thought that this function could be undertaken by the Faculty Executive Committee. The consensus seemed to be to retain the Agenda Committee.

David Lanier, University Registrar, pointed out that the Registrar is not listed among the ex officio members of the Educational Policy Committee and asked if the omission were intentional. Prof. Gibson said this was an oversight that will be remedied.

The annual report of the Research Committee was received. Prof. Bachenheimer pointed out that the committee’s report mentions an attachment relating to classified research, but no such document had been distributed. Prof. Ferrell promised to retrieve the document and post it on the website.

Prof. Lissa Broome presented the annual report of the Faculty Athletics Committee. She reported that Chancellor Moeser has asked the committee to serve as a review committee to evaluate Director of Athletics Richard Baddour for reappointment. This is the first time the committee has served in such a capacity.

On motion of Prof. Ferrell, the Council went into closed session to consider nominees for Distinguished Alumnus and Alumna Awards for 2004. Prof.Richard Andrews, Chair of the Committee on Honorary Degrees and Special Awards, presented five nominees. They are identified in an attachment to these minutes that will remain closed to public inspection until the awards are announced, pursuant to G.S. 143-318.11(a)(2).

Its business having concluded, the Council adjourned at 5:00 pm.


Joseph S. Ferrell
Secretary of the Faculty

Pdf of meeting materials

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