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Called meeting of the General Faculty, Tuesday, 9/18/2012

September 17, 2012

Monday, September 17, 2012 To the General Faculty Dear Faculty Colleagues, As you know, today (Monday), Chancellor Holden Thorp announced his intention to resign as our chancellor as of June 30 of next year.  This afternoon, your Faculty Executive Committee … Read more

FEC Subcommittee Releases Report–News Coverage

July 27, 2012

Here is a collection of the latest news coverage on the Faculty Executive Committee’s subcommittee investigation report: “UNC Probe Questions Integrity of Student Athletes in Black Studies,” in Atlanta Black Star, July 29, 2012 “RReport Says N. Carolina Athletic Advisers … Read more

Read the Faculty Executive Committee’s Response to UVA

July 2, 2012

Before President Sullivan was reinstated, the Faculty Executive Committee wrote a letter commending the Faculty Senate at UVA for its statement against President Sullivan’s forced resignation. Read the letter signed by Chair of the Faculty Jan Boxill here.