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The Faculty Council will meet this Friday from 3 to 5 p.m. on Zoom.

In addition to brief remarks from the chancellor and provost, Chair of the Faculty Mimi Chapman will gave an update on the Campus and Community Advisory Committee that she co-chairs with Employee Forum Chair Shayna Hill and Student Body President Reeves Moseley. The meeting will then explore three topics:

  • Campus well-being and mental health: a panel moderated by a physician and faculty members that includes faculty and staff members involved with campus mental health issues
  • Spring semester planning: a discussion among Faculty Council members
  • Student-athlete well-being in the wake of a pandemic: a panel moderated by leaders on the Faculty Athletics Committee that includes student-athletes and a variety of staff from the Athletic Department

The meeting agenda includes more details.

This meeting will be streamed live online at this link. In addition, livestream viewers will be able to submit questions and comments during the meeting using Poll Everywhere—find out how here.


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