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2020 Faculty Election

Meg Zomorodi

Running for: Educational Policy Committee
  • Clinical Professor
  • School of Nursing
  • Appointed: 2008
  • PhD, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 2008
UNC Service

Service is an essential mission of my role in the School of Nursing. I have been engaged in service since my hire in 2008. Whether it is service to my School, the University, or the community, I believe it is important to give back through service, and to engage in partnerships with others. I have served on the School of Nursing Master's curriculum committee from 2013-2019, and was the Chair from 2013-2019. I am currently a member of the University's Faculty Executive Committee, and am a Strategic Opportunity Lead for the Serve to Benefit Society of the University's Strategic Plan. I have been on the Educational Policy Committee since 2017.

Candidate Statement

I am applying for a 2nd term on the Educational Policy Committee. I have enjoyed being a part of this committee, and would like to continue this important work, especially as it relates to building educational policies related to the IDEAs in Action curriculum. I feel that I bring a unique voice to this committee, as a member of the health professions campus, and in my work in interprofessional education and practice. I have a strong foundation of knowledge in educational policy, innovation, and scholarship, in my roles in the School of Nursing and as the Assistant Provost for Interprofessional Education and Practice. As a 2nd term member, I feel I could bring historical knowledge to the team while also continuing to learn about educational policy.