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2020 Faculty Election

Jennifer (Jenny) Womack

Running for: Faculty Assembly Delegation
  • Clinical Professor / Associate Director
  • Allied Health Sciences: Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy/UNC Partnerships in Aging Program
  • Appointed: 1999
  • PhD, LuleĆ„ University of Technology, Sweden, 2018
  • Candidate Website
UNC Service

I currently serve as Associate Director of the UNC Partnerships in Aging Program, a unit that provides students opportunities to engage with community partners to address needs and expand narratives about aging. At the departmental level, I co-chair the Faculty Development & Mentoring committee and at the division level serve on curriculum development and admissions committees. I have previously served a 3-year term on the A&P committee in the School of Medicine and was an ACCLAIM leadership Fellow in 2013. I was awarded the DAHS Innovation & Achievement Award in 2019 and a 2017 UNC Engaged Scholarship Award for my community-based work.

Candidate Statement

I am honored for the opportunity to run for the Faculty Assembly Delegation and bring a strong record of work bridging campus and community along with relevant skills honed through various leadership positions. I currently serve as Chair of the board of a HUD senior housing community as well as on the Orange County advisory board for aging services, and was for 3 years the coordinator of a county-level grant establishing services for people living with dementia and their care partners. In my state and national professional organizations in occupational therapy, I have served at various times as board member, officer and committee chair. The combination of these experiences has taught me perseverance, collaboration, diplomacy and the importance of clear communication, all of which I hope to bring to this role to serve the UNC faculty.