2021 Faculty Election

Jessica Wolfe
Running for: Faculty Hearings Committee
- Marcel Bataillon Professor
- English & Comp Lit, Arts and Sciences
- Appointed: 1998
- Stanford University, PhD 2000
UNC Service
Director, Program in Medieval and Early Modern Studies (current)
Director, Program in Comparative Literature (past)
Member, faculty grievance committee (past)
Graduate admissions director (past)
Chancellor's advisory committee (past)
Candidate Statement
The faculty hearings committee reviews some the most important personnel decisions adjudicated by our university, and those decisions have profound effects on the lives of individual faculty members as well as entire departments. Having served on tenure and promotion committees in three different departments (English, Romance Studies, and Classics) I am well aware of the differing procedures, expectations, and customs across the College of Arts and Sciences and alert to the procedural irregularities that may arise in different "micro-climates" within UNC. I take seriously the university's mission to address serious charges of misconduct or negligence and am also extremely sensitive to the various prejudices, resentments, or acts of retaliation that might lead to a case being brought before this committee.