2022 Faculty Election
Jen Weinberg-Wolf
Running for: Educational Policy Committee
- Teaching Associate Professor
- Physics and Astronomy, College of Arts and Sciences
- Appointed: 2012
- Ph.D., University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 2006
UNC Service
- Associate Director of Undergraduate Studies for the Department of Physics and Astronomy and Undergraduate Major's advisor - Chair (21-22) of the General Education Oversight Committee (20-present)
- 4 years on the Teaching Awards Committee (either Chapman and Post-Baccalaureate), including chairing sub-committee this year
- Active member of Diversity committee, Outreach Committee and Introductory Physics Oversight Committee for department
- Faculty advisor to student groups (Visibility in Physics, Girls Engineering Change)
Candidate Statement
I am passionate about undergraduate education and spend as much time each day talking to and working with our amazing students here at Carolina. As an Associate Teaching Professor, my focus has centered on the large, introductory physics classes where I interact with students from a wide variety of majors and experiences. My service work revolves around the same emphasis - making the educational experience for our undergraduates as equitable, engaging and rewarding as possible. Working on the Educational Policy Committee would be an extension of this same focus, moving beyond my own department.