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2022 Faculty Election

Angela Wahl

Running for: Division 13. School of Medicine: Faculty Council, Nontenured
  • Assistant Professor
  • Division of Infectious Diseases, Department of Medicine
  • Appointed: 2014
  • Ph.D., University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center, 2009
UNC Service

I currently serve on a committee to revise the research metrics for the Division of Infectious Diseases faculty compensation plan. Until recently, non-clinical faculty in the Department of Medicine were not eligible for bonuses and therefore the metrics to evaluate research faculty are underdeveloped. The committee was formed out of the need for metrics that can serve as benchmarks of success for faculty who spend all or a significant portion of their effort on clinical, translational and/or basic science research. Our goal is to create metrics for each faculty level that can be fairly applied to both non-tenure and tenure track faculty.

Candidate Statement

After completing my postdoctoral training at UNC in 2014, I became a fixed-term faculty member. I was appointed to the tenure track in 2019. This gives me perspective of both tracks. I have experience obtaining funding from government, industry, and foundation partners. I have also mentored multiple students and fellows, including women and underrepresented minorities. As a Faculty Council member, I will advocate for better faculty support. The pandemic highlighted how difficult it can be to manage our struggles while also responding to those of our students and staff. As a mother of a school age child, I recognize the disproportionate role that women often have in childcare and how that can impact one’s career. In addition, recent salary freezes made it difficult to retain and recruit staff which compromises our productivity.