2020 Faculty Election

Adam Versényi
Running for: Financial Exigency and Program Change Committee, Academic Affairs
- Professor and Chair
- Dramatic Art, Arts and Sciences
- Appointed: 1988
- DFA, Yale School of Drama, 1990
UNC Service
I am currently in my second term as Chair of Dramatic Art where I continue to serve as Senior Dramaturg for PlayMakers Repertory Company. Previously, I Chaired the Curriculum in International and Area Studies (now Global Studies). Currently, I chair the Red Tape Working Group, serve on Carolina Public Humanities University Advisory Board, the U.S. Latino/a Studies Minor Advisory Board, the Carolina Arts Council, Carolina Performing Arts Advisory Board, and the Honorary Degrees and Awards Committee. Previously I have served on the General Education Curriculum Coordinating Committee and the College of Arts & Sciences Dean's Advisory Committee.
Candidate Statement
I hope that this committee never has to meet. Should it do so, I believe that my experience chairing two different units in two different divisions of the College, as well as the myriad number of committees convened by both the Provost and the College that I have served on in my thirty-two years at the University has given me the knowledge to be able to contribute to any hard decisions that would have to be made in times of financial exigency.