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2022 Faculty Election

Matt Turi

Running for: Division 5. University Libraries: Faculty Council
  • Manuscript Research and Instruction Librarian
  • University Libraries
  • Appointed: 2006
  • MSLS 2004, School of Information and Library Science, UNC
UNC Service

I have not yet served on any campus-wide committees.

Candidate Statement

Although I have not served on a University-wide committee, through my work in University Libraries I have been involved in supporting broader campus initiatives such as the Commission on History, Race, and A Way Forward and The Moore Undergraduate Research Apprentice Program. Further, in my role helping to manage the Wilson Library Fellowship Program, I have had the pleasure of being closely involved with a range of research fellowships that directly support UNC student engagement with Special Collections. As this suggests, my daily work focuses on the interplay between faculty teaching, student learning, and the Archive and I expect that my deep enthusiasm for the enduring value of this dynamic would mark my work with the Faculty Council.