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2021 Faculty Election

Brendan Jamal Thornton

Running for: Faculty Hearings Committee
  • Associate Professor
  • Religious Studies, Arts and Sciences
  • Appointed: 2013
  • Ph.D., University of California, San Diego, 2011
  • Candidate Website
UNC Service

This will be my first foray into faculty governance if elected. Since joining the Religious Studies department in 2013, I have served on several departmental and ad hoc advisory committees across the university. Currently, I chair the Equity Committee and serve as my department’s Diversity Liaison.

Candidate Statement

I am running for this position because I wish to take a more active role in the wider university community as a representative of the Arts and Sciences. I believe that my perspective and professional experience will be an asset to the committee in discharging its duties.

As an anthropologist and scholar of religion I strive to be open-minded and objective. I welcome the challenge of working to resolve issues that are complex, difficult, and require attention to detail and novel problem solving.

This committee’s work is essential to ensuring just and impartial outcomes concerning reappointment, suspension, demotion, and discharge. I will work hard to ensure that every personnel issue is handled fairly and that the policies and procedures that have been put in place to guide the committee are respected and applied equitably.