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2021 Faculty Election

Amanda Thompson

Running for: Arts and Sciences Advisory Committee, Social Sciences, General Education Oversight Committee, Social Sciences
  • Professor
  • Anthropology, College of Arts and Sciences
  • Appointed: 2009
  • Ph.D, Emory University, 2017
  • Candidate Website
UNC Service

Within my department, I currently serve as Associate Chair. At the university level, I serve as a Faculty Research Director with the Center for Galapagos Studies and am the vice chair of the Galápagos Science Center Advisory Board. I am on the Advisory Council of the Carolina Population Center. I previously served on Faculty Council as the untenured Social Science representative and have served on several university-wide committees including the initial phase of the Curriculum 2019 Committee, the interdisciplinary Data Science minor committee, and numerous grant and special interest review panels.

Candidate Statement

General Education Oversight Committee: I bring experience to curriculum issues as the chair of the curriculum committee in anthropology, the instructor of a large Gen Ed course, a member of the initial planning group for the new Gen Ed Curriculum and a co-developer of a new major and minor. I am committed to the value of an interdisciplinary and experiential undergraduate experience and would bring that commitment to this role.

Arts and Sciences Advisory Committee: I believe that my interdisciplinary research, training and leadership in social and health sciences provide me with the broad background needed to serve effectively in this position. I am committed to junior faculty mentorship and development and would look forward to expanding this role as a member of ASAC.