2022 Faculty Election
Deborah Sturpe
Running for: Division 16: School of Pharmacy, Nontenured
- Clinical Associate Professor
- Pharmacotherapy and Experimental Therapeutics, Eshelman School of Pharmacy
- Appointed: 2019
- PharmD, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 2000
UNC Service
Having only been back "home" at UNC for just over two years, my service to date has been limited to Eshelman School of Pharmacy (ESOP) effort. Early after my hire, I became the faculty advisor for the Student College of Clinical Pharmacy, the student branch of the national pharmacy organization the American College of Clinical Pharmacy. By the summer after my hire, I had become a member of the ESOP Curriculum and Assessment Committee [CAC] and co-chair of the Pharmacotherapy Stream (a subgroup to the CAC). Most recently, I was also appointed to a taskforce on curricular sustainability.
Candidate Statement
Faculty governance is critical to the success of a university, and that voice is particularly important in regards to the educational experience of faculty and students alike. Consideration of all stakeholders' opinions, logical decision-making, and most importantly, transparent communication regarding those decisions is imperative in creating a culture of trust. I am particularly interested in this position on Faculty Council due to my breadth of experience not only in pharmacy education, but also in instructional design, as I feel this brings a unique mindset that blends together the theory and day-to-day practice of education. My past service as a faculty member at the University of Maryland and University of New England also provides me with perspective external to UNC that may be of value.