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2022 Faculty Election

Abbie Smith-Ryan

Running for: Faculty Athletics Committee
  • Associate Professor
  • Exercise & Sport Science
  • Appointed: 2019
  • PhD, University of Oklahoma, 2011
  • Candidate Website
UNC Service

Faculty Athletics Committee, 2019-2022
Advisory Board Member, Center for Women's Health Research, 2021-Present
Working on Women in Science Liaison, 2019-2021
Institutional Review Board Member, 2018-2021

Candidate Statement

My passion for improving overall health and well being of our students and student-athletes remains strong. In my first term I have been involved in initiating some programs to further the strengthen the support for our student-athletes and faculty, I would be honored to serve a second term to continue these efforts. My research background in exercise physiology and sports nutrition, and experience as a college athlete, provides me with a unique lens to contribute to the mission of the FAC.

The pandemic created many challenges for us all; the student athletes' navigated their own mental and physical challenges. I would like to continue to act as a liaison for athletes and faculty, in order to proactively advocate and communicate the needs and successes for our students.