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2021 Faculty Election

Lee Shuping

Running for: Division 13. School of Medicine: Faculty Council, Nontenured
  • Clinical Assistant Professor
  • School of Medicine, Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
  • Appointed: 2015
  • M.D., University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill 2011; MPT, East Carolina University, 2004
  • Candidate Website
UNC Service

Medical Director - Carolina Concussion Clinic - Evaluation and treatment of various patients suffering from concussion and post-concussion syndrome
Associate Medical Director - University Employee and Occupational Health Clinic - Supporting the 20,000+ faculty, staff, and graduate students at UNC-CH
Various UNC Hospital committees - Infection Control, faculty and staff recruitment
Advisor - UNC SOM PM&R interest group
Career Advisor - UNC SOM, Course Director PMED 401, 401c, 401-03

Candidate Statement

I am a Tar Heel. As a native North Carolinian, I've always been a Tar Heel. Through my undergraduate studies (UNC c/o '00, BS Biology) and medical school (UNC SOM c/o 2011), I have felt a desire to give back to my alma mater, serving in student government. As a practicing physician at UNC Hospitals, I have had the opportunity to teach and learn from some of the best medical minds in the world. A role in the Faculty Council would allow me to utilize all I have learned on a larger scale, to focus on the betterment of UNC as a whole. As a physiatrist, I know the importance of inter- and multi-disciplinary teams and how to bring out the strengths of each individual member of a working group. I feel these qualities make me an excellent choice for membership in the Faculty Council.